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MTrain APIs

A project by Matthew White and Matthew Woodward

What is MTrain

The MTrain is a new devboard based on the Cortex M7 being developed by RoboJackets to replace the Mbed in our robotics applications. The MTrain has many advantages over the Mbed, most notably:

4180 Project

For the 4180 project we have implemented the API for DigitalIO and I2C on the MTrain. Our demo specifically connects a pushbutton to an led through the MTrain to demonstrate the DigitalIO while also sending Hello I2C! over the I2C line to an Mbed which then displays it on the LCD screen.



The code that runs on the MTrain can be found in the repo connected to this website or by following this link The specific code that was written for this project can be found in the following locations:


The code that runs on the Mbed can be found in the Mbed repository here

Demonstration Setup

Software Setup


  1. Clone the repo with our code found here
  2. Connect the MTrain over JTag using the adapter
  3. Flash the MTrain by running make test-communicate_i2c-prog from the mtrain-4180 folder


  1. Build and download the project found here
  2. Copy the bin file to the Mbed over USB

Hardware Setup





If everything was done correctly pushing the button should turn on the LED and the LCD screen should be repeatedly flashing Hello I2C! as shown in the video below: